Only awekcun is the writer...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

aku couple??

aku couple??btol ke keputusan aku ni??xpe lah..aku couple dlm facebook jer pastu kiteorg putus~amry cute lor muke dye...bru aku tau dye sepupu mubin~OMG!patutlah rupe nk same jerk...nanty aku da putus,,aku ckp ngn korg lagi taww...Okey,byee~

only ,,piqa

Thursday, January 20, 2011

aku confius...

aku rase aku meyukai 3 org skali gus...first,peminte topup,second budak korean,and third budak kw...mcm mne mau peminte topup tuh,,ari ni dye bt bek kat aku,aku suke2..dye sgt lah sweet...arituh gilak..budak kw tuh mintak phone number,tpi aku bt dek jerk...entahlah..lebih bek aku lupekan sume  tuh..focus on studying!
                                                                                                      yg benar,
                                                                                                     awekcun piqa

Monday, January 17, 2011

I luv sumbody!!

kenape saye harus jatuh cinta pada awk...awk??x sangka ,,rupernyer awk ank kwn ayah and arwah mak saye..mcm kebetulan...anyway nk ucapan kan ''I LUV YOU!!!''tpy awk bkn taw pon ape perasaan sye kat awk....
only me,

awekcun piqa

Friday, January 14, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

gilew ,,kene tukar tempat duduk ka??

hish!! aku benci sgt3 sbb kene duduk dpn sekali..aku bkn nyer org pendek,cikgu urh suwoh duk dpn...meyampah tol..GRR!!!aku dh lah 4bia ngn budak laki...kalo budak laki dekat ngn aku aku akn rase sgt2 takot + gementar and nervous!aku harap itu tkkn kekal frens !!help me!!S.O.S!!

                                                                                                    yg benar,
                                                                                                   awekcun piqa


Saturday, January 8, 2011

ari mengemas kelas!!

best sgt!!aku rase eppy sgt...walaupun aku kene lap tingkap yg byk habuk and those others thing,Im sooo happy...dan aku rasa aku dh mule suke seseorg lagi..aku benci bile aku suke seseorg cause  aku nk PMR straight As and nk tumpu perhatian dlm kelas..kalo aku suke seseorg tuh,mcm mne aku nk concentrate??I'll giv up~mcm mne aku bole suke org tuh tetibe hah??lebih baek aku buat selamber cooL!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

hari pertama in form3 was SUCK!!

aku x suke ari pertama form 3..pepagi lagi aku dh terslh kelas,buat malu je..aku pk aku klas 3rk3 rupenyer 3rk2~~terpakse lah aku duk sorang2 and blakang sekali..adUH!!kenape lah aku 1 klas ngn budak sengal+peminta topup urh...BENCI nyer~~skunk ni,ari2 aku kene kacau dgn budak sengal urh...tpi skrg looks like makin good..aku dh oki sikit ngn klas tuh...aku hrp aku akn gembira duk klas tuh selame 1 tahun...and aku nk belaja btoLL2~~sekian,,my first day in fom 3##